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Rewire Synfire and Reason



I found a solution to rewire Synfire and Reason.

ReWire VST

For some reason, it do not play the midi data from Reasons midi tracks when loading it in Synfire, maybe andre know why?
I have Native Instruments Maschine, @maddsoul I know you have it too, so I load Maschine in Synfire, then I load ReWire VST inside Maschine and then Synfire and Reason sync. I also get all instruments names and tracks from Reason and can play them from inside Synfire.

Have Fun

Sa., 17.11.2012 - 01:41 Permalink

Downloaded rewire VST. Installed it. Then found it only works in 32 bit  :toobad:


Maschine playback button now not working offline. Only working as slave in synfire so that I cannot go work on the beat then resync. 


I'm experiencing a very slow and painful death here.

Sa., 17.11.2012 - 09:00 Permalink

Hi maddsoul

I forgot to say i'm running 32 bit, sorry
I'm sad to be responsible for your death, so I will try to help you so you not suffer to much and help you with the Maschine playback button, I remember there was something I had to do to make that work.

Sa., 17.11.2012 - 14:34 Permalink


I'm currently on life support. I'm not dead yet.  Something has happened in the update that seems to send some type of midi clock in the background even though sync is not enabled. I tried this with MOTU's BPM as well. André had fixed this once and now it seems to have been re introduced. Maschine now starts to play upon loading the plug-in again. 


André can U please click your heels three times, say "I love peanut butter sandwiches" and produce the magic patch? 


I even disabled rewire transport controls. In Maschine the sync button does not seem to matter at all . If I press play on Synfire it plays weather the sync button is enabled or not.


Also, please note that for those of us who would prefer to write on our laptops but produce on our home computers, the implimentation of  Reason would be very useful with Synfire to cut down on the amount of disk space needed to load the huge samplers.


André while your heels are clicking ...   


I'm Jus' Sayin' ...



Sa., 17.11.2012 - 18:33 Permalink

Maschine now starts to play upon loading the plug-in again.

You need to stop the transport. It keeps running forever after you played any instant previews or made edits. All loaded plug-ins get the running clock. Maybe it should be stopped all the time also in the Engine when "Sync" is disabled. I'll have a look. This is extremely difficult terrain. Almost impossible to do it right for all plug-ins out there.